
Often those of us who work in Knowledge and Learning have to ask people to go beyond their core role: we ask lawyers to supervise junior members of staff; we ask them to write articles about complex areas of law in jargon-less language for clients; we ask them to create/review/perfect precedents and processes; and we ask them to share all their worst mistakes so we can learn from them.

And when one combines that with a work culture that prioritises the chargeable hour over everything else, it can become a herculean task.

But, without re-engineering your whole organisation, what can you do?

Personally, I think the answer is in helping people to find a sense of meaning in their work.

No matter one’s level, industry or career, we all need to find a personal sense of meaning in what we do.

Some people find meaning in helping others, some love to teach, others love to write. If you can align the right person to the right task, you are far more likely to persuade people to go above and beyond.

And if you aren’t sure how to start the conversation about what gives their work meaning? Try this article from HBR.

Ask Your Employees These Questions. They Will Thank You (

About knowledge4lawyers

I am a lawyer and a Knowledge Management expert. Through The Knowledge Business I help law firms improve their efficiency and profitability through knowledge services - consultancy, training and implementation help.
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